Yup, that's me. I'm just your average every day superhero. How so you ask? I'm a woman, a wife, a mom!
There are days when I don't do as much as I should. Sometimes the exhaustion gets to me and I can't do much more then be Angel's mom. I yawn more then I blink and the most housework I do is running the dishwasher. In fact, there are days when I nap when Angel naps because I am so tired.
There are days when I do EVERYTHING though. I am Angel's mom, his friend, his cook, his biggest fan. While I am doing these things I am also cleaning the house, cooking twice a day for myself and Nick, taking care of the dog, doing laundry (and there is a lot when you have a little person), spending time with my husband, working on my writing, writing my blog, and I have recently taken on the project of making baby blankets to possibly sell. In between all of these I have to breathe.
Am I any different from any other woman, wife, or mom out there. Nope! We are all superheros because we can do it all and still manage to keep our sanity. Yet few people realize all we do. In fact, sometimes we don't realize all we do.
Recently, I was talking to my husband and we came to realize I really do a lot. No more or less then anyone else yet we never realized how much. I'm a superhero, yes, but I'm only a superhero to my family. Just like you're a superhero to your family. Just like my husband is a superhero to me.
We all take on the world in our own ways. We are faster then a speeding bullet, stronger then the strongest, and able to manage our lives in the best of ways. Some days the kryptonite gets to us. Some days we are just Clark Kents. But even on our weakest days we are still superheroes.
Now I am off to take over the world! Or save it... I'll let you know the outcome.