Sunday, June 19, 2011

More then DNA

Its amazing how life works. The choices that we make compared to the choices we thought we would make. The roads we go down when we once thought the roads were permanently blocked off. What's that saying? Life is what happens when you are busy planning. Man, isn't that the truth!

It's Father's Day. This time last year I was a month and a half pregnant and had no idea what lay ahead of me. I had no idea what kind of father my husband was going to be. We both wondered as he hadn't had the best example in the world. I had faith though. We are not always the people our parents are after all.

Today we have a son who is almost six months old and I can say one thing with absolutely certainty. My husband is a good father. Or a good Papi as we call him in our house. He isn't the best but no one is. He tries to be though. He changes diapers and makes bottles. He has even begun to feed our Angel his cereal and let me tell you that is not always an easy task.

He has his moments when Angel's temper tantrums get the best of him, but so have I. And unfortunately, he doesn't have the privilege of staying home every day to learn all of Angel's little tricks that make him happy. He tries though and he listens when I try to tell him what to do.

My husband talks to our son and he makes him laugh. When he walks into a room Angel lights up and in that I see the love they share. There are moments when only Papi can make it better. As the Mommy that stays home all day and knows all the tricks that stings. As the wife and Mommy who wants her guys happy and to love each other that makes my heart swell.

Nick is not the best father and he has not had the best examples to become one. He is young and he is learning and he is doing the very best he can. He may not be the best father but for Angel he is the very best Papi and that is all that matters. It takes more the DNA to make a father. It takes time and devotion and love. My husband has given all those to our son. What more could a mom ask for.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. You have been given a miracle. Enjoy it!

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