I know it has been awhile since my last post. Part of that was I was on vacation with my wonderful little family. Part of it was being busy with my sweet little boy. Part of it was just being lazy. At least I am being honest, right?
Today though I wanted to share something I experienced the other day. I was out running errands on Tuesday with my husband and son. Just another day of things to do. Nothing major, just things that needed to be done.
I found myself in an office talking to a receptionist at one point. I was finishing up and getting ready to leave when she said something to me that just made my day.
"Have you ever heard the saying 'Your smile is contagious'? Well yours is. Your smile makes me want to smile. I just wanted to let you know that."
I don't go out of my way to be nice to strangers. I don't go out of my way to be mean to strangers. I smile when I am happy and I had been spending the say with my family so I was happy. I guess that shows in my smile. That's not the first time someone has commented on my smile either and I know it won't be the last. That's not meant to be conceited. I just know that when I smile I light up because I'm happy.
My husband loves my smile. I have members of my family who tell me I have a nice smile. There is something about having a complete stranger saying though that warms your heart.
I want the world to smile when I smile. When I'm happy I want the world to be happy too. So here is today's lesson ladies and gentleman. Smile and the world will smile with you. Smile at the strangers on the street and they will smile back. And when you see a stranger smiling at you smile back. Spread the love. Make the world a better place for yourself and for your loved ones.
I know I'm going to keep smiling so that they people around me smile and my son learns to smile too.
I'm glad you finally wrote about this your smile lights up a room. Even the first time you smiled at me I couldn't help but smile back and even to this day I can't help but smile when you do.... You brought a joy to my life that I never thought was possible. Then Angel was born and he made the love even bigger. ( which again I thought couldn't happen) but between your smile and the smile you gave him I can't help but smile everyday.