So normally I would move on to a new subject to blog about. However, my Mother's Day blog has caused so many problems that I am continuing a previous subject as well as adding some new thoughts.
My whole life I have kept my mouth shut about a lot of things. Normally, when there is conflict I try not to get involved or may even try to smooth it over. Remember, I use to be a shell and hide from everything and part of that was not getting into family issues. My one exception has always been my sister. You mess with her and you see a side of me few people do. Luckily, she can handle her own and I rarely have to get involved. When I came out of the shell I was better at standing up for myself but tended to just cut you out if you caused me problems. I wasn't avoiding the problem so much as getting rid of the cause. Then I got married and I found out that when you treat the person I love the most like crap it really pisses me off. I tried to be nice but it didn't take too long before I was telling certain people in his life that they were less the nothing, sad, pathetic excuses for human beings. Especially if they tried to bring my son into it. You've heard hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Well never mess with a woman's child if you want to live.
So here I am today. I am happy, healthy, in love, raising a beautiful baby, and I've made peace with my past and moved on to develop better relationships with my family. I think this makes me a good person. I don't come from a lot of money and I don't make a lot of money. I didn't go to college or serve in the military or make a career out of helping others.
I also never set out to cause anyone problems, getting into someone else's business, or hurt anyone. So this is my conclusion: I'm a good person and you people are jerks. And that's putting it nicely.
There are people I have the misfortune to be related to that have decided to create problems within my family because they think they are better then me. I don't know how they came to this conclusion. Maybe because they are older then me, because of who my father is, because they make more money or whatever reason. Here is what you need to know though.
You are not better then me. In fact, as of right now you are less then me because you set out to cause problems. You set out to hurt me, to hurt my mother, and to hurt the relationship I have built with my mother. Be proud of yourself for the pain you've caused. Then maybe take a look at your life and figure out why you are so miserable that you need to set out to hurt others.
I'm glad you said this don't let that low life get you down. I love you and I'm proud of you.