Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I know it's been a while since my last post. I wish I had time every day to impart on you all the wisdom I have learned in being me. Sadly though, there are other things going on in my life.

I have a beautiful, perfect baby boy who takes up... well 98% of my time. I wouldn't have it any other way either. He is the little love of my life, my Angel. Being his mommy I think is what I was born to do even when I didn't think I would ever be anyone's mommy.

The other 2% and even some of Angel's 98% goes towards my wonderful husband. When I'm not busy trying to soothe and love the wonders that make up my five-month-old I am trying spend as much time with my husband who makes me laugh and feel beautiful and loved more then I ever thought I could.

You see I am a stay at home mom and housewife. I spend my days cleaning and cooking and taking care of the home my husband and I have created for our son. I juggled bottles and diapers with laundry and dishes. My first priority it to my family and the home we have created and there are days when that takes up every spare moment of my time.

At this particular moment in my day I am running the dishwasher, finishing the grocery list, getting ready to do a load of laundry and fold a load, give our two dogs fresh water to survive the ninety plus degree weather, and maybe even squeeze in a couple of deep breaths. These are my days. Maybe they aren't that exciting to some people. Maybe there are women out there who think I am settling and could do more with my life. Maybe I could. Maybe some day I will.

Right now I like doing laundry and vacuuming and washing dishes. Right now I want to spend my days laughing at my son's big smiles and enjoying his new life and amazing milestones. Right now I want to spend my nights sharing the dinner I cooked with my husband, talking about his day, and curled up watching t.v. on the couch.

Those are my priorities.

1 comment:

  1. I never really thought of it like that thank you for all you do my love. Oh and Angel loves you too.
