Saturday, November 12, 2011

Changing seasons

I love this time of year. I love the change in the air and the way the leaves fall. I love curling up under a blanket with my husband and watching my son crawl around in his footie pajamas. I love drinking hot chocolate and sipping warm soup. I love wearing big warm sweaters and wrapping myself up in my husband's arms to stay warm. With all these things in mind I add this, I hate being cold. I love all the things that come with it though.

I love racking leaves into a big pile and jumping in. I'm looking forward to the day when Angel is old enough to enjoy doing it with me. I love pulling on my fleece jacket I stole from my husband and going on evening walks with my family in the cool air. I love turning the heat and on getting my all too squirmy little boy to snuggle into my lap.

I love the approaching holiday too. So many things to look forward to and enjoy. I myself have never been very big on Thanksgiving. For me, I associate it with eating turkey and falling asleep watching football. I don't really like turkey and I hate football. So honestly, it's a day I could skip over. I do enjoy the other cooked goodies and the fact that my husband gets the day off so I will take it. This year we will be travelling to North Carolina for the holiday. Maybe I don't really like Thanksgiving but that doesn't mean I don't want Angel exposed to it and the family that loves him.

Then comes the fun of Christmas. Our first family Christmas with our son. I couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to decorate and play Christmas carols and read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to Angel. I want to make cookies for him and do fun artwork. I want to take him to see Santa Claus and do milk and cookies on Christmas Eve. I know that for the most part he won't care about any of this. He won't quite be a year old yet. For me though, it's going to be the best Christmas ever.

I love spring and summer and swimming and be in the sun and going to the park and being warm. I love fall and winter though and the adventures that come with them.

So curl up with the ones you love. Your spouse, your children, your fur children, whoever you would like. Curl up with the ones you love and be thankful for the change in seasons that gives you a reason to curl.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a big turkey fan either! However, I can eat the mess out of a McDaniel ham with pineapple gravy!
